The Humble Indie Bundle 7: Pay What You Want For 7 Items

Deals, Entertainment

Humble Indie Bundle 7

The Hum­ble Bun­dle is back with The Humble Indie Bundle 7. You can pay what you want for 7 great items, including 6 games and 1 movie.

The games include: Snapshot, The binding of Isaac + wrath of the Lamb DLC, Closure and Shank 2. The movie is Indie Game: The Movie.

If you beat the aver­age price (cur­rently at $6) you will also receive Dungeon Defenders + all of the DLC, as well as Legend of Grimrock.

You can pay any­thing you want for these games, any­thing from a penny, to a num­ber as large as you can imag­ine. How­ever, this deal is for char­ity and to sup­port inde­pen­dent devel­op­ers of games, so bare that in mind when pur­chas­ing and choos­ing your own price. You get to choose how your money is split between the char­i­ties as well

All games in this bun­dle are dig­i­tal down­loads. Steam keys are included for all games and they are separate keys this time around. If you already own one of the games on Steam, you do not get an extra copy.

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