Toys R Us Canada has published the FREE Activities for February 2020. If you are not a member, click here to join now.

Date: Saturday, February 22, 2020.
Time: 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
LEGO NINJAGO Obstacles Dojo Challenge
- Kids can RAMP up the FUN by building a LEGO car to test out on the LEGO Ninjago Obstacles Dojo Track. Make it to the dojo to complete your test! Participants will receive a FREE LEGO Ninjago Headband to take home!
All giveaways and event material available while they last and distributed to participants only. Limit one per participant. Photography and/or video may be taken or recorded at this event and may be used by Toys”R”Us Canada and its affiliates. If you do not want your picture taken or used, please tell one of the associates managing the event.
Click below to get more information on this event. Enjoy 🙂